Saturday, 25 February 2012

The Tree's have Eye's

As i walked through the forest
i felt an gleaming eye stare at me
was it to the right? or just beyond that tree?
i twirled and spun
feeling dizzy and weak
Stop staring! Say something! Just come out!
And speak!

Then i caught an beaming eye here and an evil eye there
all of a sudden, it was just one Big Stare
feeling cold and alone, i stumbled towards the light
i wanted to hide and remove myself from sight

The tree's have eye's, beware what you do, although rooted and still ...
They will Find you

Poem by Gem; 25/02/2012

Friday, 24 February 2012

Danish; not for the faint hearted

Jeg hedder Gem

My name is Gem

One week has gone by, four lessons, random sounds, quizzical looks, and lots of frowning,  and my mind is crammed with words i cant even pronounce.
And as i so rightly suspected, the immersion method is in full force in my lessons (no english is spoken)

The pronounciation just kills me, i have never contorted my face, neck and whole body for that matter by just trying to speak a language. I truly believe the Danes are so trim and lean because not only do they ride bikes for cars, have fat tax and an excellent genetic pool that seems to be protected by the fact that most Danes live in Denmark and do not venture out, they also use their bodies to speak. Italians also speak with such enthusiasm, hands are in the air, heads are bopping and shoulders are being thrown back but with Danes it is not this type of body language i speak of, Danes speak from their core, they literally use their stomach to pronounce certain sounds, and there are so many.

In order to get pronounciation right its almost as though you have to dig deep in your gut and speak from the shallows. ...Absurd.

My tongue has had a full workout too, in order to say certain words and stress or put emphasis on certain sounds, your tongue has to be behind your teeth or up on your pallette or so far back in your throat you almost gag.

The classes take place three times a week, there are extra classes you can take to perfect pronounciation. We have 18 students in our class, i get the feeling a few will wither away shortly as the course is intensive and moves quickly. You really have to put the hard work in if you want to keep up. There will also be exams, first one will be oral and in order to pass into the next module, you have to complete the first.

Im not sure what i have gotten myself into here

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Kindle versus Book

So this girl thought Valentines day really sucked , and the dissapointment of the day progressed till my mood became a little filthy and a bit stand offish with my partner. I wasn't expecting a serenade, a love poem, flowers or breakfast BUT A simple coffee in bed, an i love you, and a  - i cant live without you would have sufficed.

As the day progressed...the clouds gathered and i was not in a very LOVE -ly minded space. But then that wipped around! And with extreme excitement i jumped up and down and widened my eyes as i was told that i was getting a Kindle.

I love reading, i was ashamed of it as a child, didn't want anyone to think i was a book worm let alone a nerd, but as the years went by and i matured, i love the fact that I enjoy reading so much. I am also able to do it quite quickly. I can scan a page with my eyes and within minutes the pages have turned and accumulated to the one side, especially if it is a good read.

So back to my Kindle baby... it was delivered a few days ago, ordered through Amazon. Of course with the high tax in Denmark, the original price was acceptable but then the tax and postage got slapped on and what you thought you were paying seems quite different to what you really will be forking out.

On a trip to London, a friend showed me her Kindle and I was immediatly taken by the novel idea of a portable screen that holds more than a thousand books which can be downloaded within less that 60 seconds...amazing. Nevermind the wonderful positive of having a device that has a battery life of a month before having to be recharged. It is light as a cellphone, thin as a magazine and slips into your handbag like a ring in a doughnut.

There was a part of me that felt sad.. i felt like I was letting go of the real world, the tangible world that has texture and smell. What i mean to say is that i no longer would hold a paperback or hardcover in my eager hungry paws, i would hold a tablet shaped device instead. It felt cold and alien like at first but when you calculate cost versus convenience, weight and intelligence. Well it seemed like an obvious selection.

I love the idea of a bookshelf with all my favourite titles neatly packed in order of size. I liked the idea that one day I would pass these treasures onto my children or borrow one to a friend should the need ever arise. Now I have a tablet that holds all my reads...crazy.

There is nothing better than sitting down with a cup of coffee, curled on the couch, the sunlight just whispering through the gap in the curtain (you opened it slightly to mostly lock the world out but let in enough light as a time keeping device) and opening a brand new book, or an old one. The smell, the yellow tinged paper, the text and font, the size of the letters, the cover...all of that between your fingers...beautiful.

So you can see why I am torn: a big part of me still holds onto the world of Old, the vintage charms and the chivalry...and then another part of me moves with the times, wants to kep current and up to date, make my life easier.  A book versus the Kindle

Had it not been a gift, I doubt I would have gotten a Kindle, but the fact that it was a gift makes my decision so much easier,...a Kindle it shall be and I shall use it to its full capacity and cram my brain with delights of these downloaded novels, crimes reads and adventures that my mind shall travel and devour greedily.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Danish language lessons

I will begin my Danish language lessons next week Tuesday. I feel as though I have waited quite sometime for them to begin and with much persistence I finally received my letter notifying me of the times and date that my classes begin. Hoping my class is big but not too big that one cannot receive personal attention (im gonna need it). Im looking forward to meeting new people from all walks of life and interacting, its been so long but i hope i can still hold a conversation :)

So lessons are three times a week, it'll take a 30min cycle to get there.

Hope they dont use the immersion method (the language tacher only speaks in the language you are learning)

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Frenchie Feverr

my love for French bulldogs or as many refer to them; FRENCHIES has been growing with each passing year. We have left our two pups back home in south africa under great care and supervision and i miss them terribly but i have always wanted a frenchie. They are very lovable, don't have nasal issues such as your english bulldog breed, they are small and compact with wombat ears that look like they could receive a satelite frequency from mars, you get some with great markings and they are just so darn cute, the kinda cuteness that only a mother could love.

interesting fact: some pups come into this world by ceasarian section, why you ask? the pups heads can often be tooo big for natural birth and so ceasarian section is sometimes needed.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Caught in the moment

A friend told me about this site, it shows photographs that have managed to capture a moment that is quite unique.

Take a look: quite amusing


Monday, 6 February 2012

Faroe Islands Controversial whale Hunting

I came across this highly controversial subject through a post on Facebook, there was an image of a bloodied ocean and the bopping heads of whales slaughtered with gaffs. It stirred such an emotion in me that I just couldn't shake off.

I had heard of this "tradition", "massacre", "hunt", "right of passage" years before and it was highlighted once again when my relocation took place in Denmark as the Faroe islands are closely related to Denmark;
an island group situated between the Norweigan sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. The islands form a self-governing country under the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Denmark. The total area is approximately 1,400 km² (540 sq mi) with a 2010 population of almost 50,000 people.

I passed the television the other night and those haunting images revived themself on the television screen; once again capturing my fascination, confusion and anger. The documentary displayed the actual event of whaling, showing speedboats cornering tormented creatures further towards the shoreline where shallow waters allowed a clear "hit" or "slay' with spear headed object called gaffs. This traumatic scene showed whales crying and adament barbaric faces of the hunters hacking into everything that meandered past them, the ocean turned into a blood bath and the commotion eventually subsided with a semi dead whale head emerging here and there. Spectators lined the shoreline of the Faroe island (woman, children and men)

I was stricken and just so very confused. We are currently in 2012, yet this imagery felt like I was being subjected to a History documentary of a million years ago

I couldn't shake this confusion and immediatly hopped onto my ipad for further explanation. Was I missing something?, why wasn't something being done about this?.I was so engrossed in the subject to say the least.
My immediate response was hatred towards these uneducated people and their actions and then I remembered; I had moved to Denmark and been exposed to all kinds of new things that were uncommon to me;  woman wearing fur, strange delicacies, harsh climate and a different culture. I took all these factors into consideration and decided a rash conclusion on my part would be immature. I needed to understand more before I just spat out my grievences and disgust on his matter.

I read various articles, a thesis on whaling and a comparitive study featuring the island of St Vincent and the Faroe island, searched images and had a healthy debate with my partner on the subject.

After my tired eyes could see no more and my mind was crammed with facts and understanding, I decided to write this Post for those interested.

My own personal conclusion will be placed at the end, i choose to give relevent information and you can decide for yourself on the matter at hand.

Some background:

  • Around 950 long finned pilot whales are killed during Summer in the Faroe island each year
  • The killing is regulated by Faroenese administration and not by the IWC (International Whaline Commission)
  • The killing is called Grindadrap which in tern means the Grind.
  • Pilot whales have been registered as an unfavourable species to consume as the mercury levels in this whale are highly toxic.
  • The hunt is regarded as an age old tradition on the Faroenese island, dating 1200 years back. Records of hunting date back to 1584.
  • The meat and blubber is part of the islanders staple diet, other elements of the whale are used to make rope, lines, floats and oil
  • Gaffs are used to hook the whale and lead it to shore, regulations now insist on blunt gaffs being used as this is more humane, the gaff is struck down, with the end splitting into the blowhole of the creature, the gaff and rope are used to bring it to shore whereby the throat is slit and the final kill takes place.
  • The catch is distributed amongst locals whether or not they took part in the "traditional" act
  • The hunt is not secluded to just the pilot whale, bottlenose dolphins and other species are hacked too, basically any creature that comes close enough to shore.
  • The consumption of this meat has shown a reduction in the island population over the past few years and an increase in mental retardedness in child births

My impression;

Where does one start when you see such brutality, so much blood, baby dolphins crying out in anguish, such viciousness. At one stage I was speechless when these images entered and were stored away in my mind but after lengthy research and investigation I can honestly say I am well informed.

I read through a thesis done on whaling involving two islands, St Vincent in the Carribean and the Faroe islands, both practice this gruesome act. When one looks deeper into the culture, the history and tradition; it all comes down to survival. We eat to survive. Who am I to question a tradition, a culture, a way of life... These people do not see these whales as friends, they are a food source, a staple and the killing is a way of living, as simple and appreciated as you and I going to the grocery store.

Back in the day, whales were categorised as sea monsers, - killers, - a threat and so it makes sense that the uninformed civilisations of way way yesteryear would feel no emotion or regret in killing these unknown creatures but it is 2012, we live in a world where information is at our fingertips, where a perspective is usually a semi informed one based on the fact that we are exposed to so much, so much technology, understanding and documentary work that stipulates the intelligence of these beings, their communicative ways, their family pods and structures and how they care for their young. They are not sea monsters!!! they are a creation to be treausered and further understood.

As I keep on insisting; we live in 2012. The Faroe island imports a large variety of products and resources as the island does not have a large farming area to capitalise on or an array of resources to extract fro for livelihood, so whaling is a form of nutrition and stability. But does it have to be so gruesome?, so many killed?, so much blood?, does it have to be an occasion whereby spectators line the shore to watch this circus act? From the posts, review, and sites; many people are against this tradition and countries vehemenently view the Faroenese in such an evil shadow and show lack of sympathy for their savageness. How can a population still revert to such antiquated methods and portray the event with such enthusiasm?. I have seen many images whereby children are involved, men are excited with testosterone running high and a animal intensity in their eyes. So why wouldnt I associate such violence with that of the Faroe island, its what I visualise when I think of them and that in turn cannot be good press for them let alone do their tourism industry a world of good. Do a search just on Faroe island and on the first page; Google will list the associated killings.

I grew up watching Free Willy, crying into my popcorrn at his capture and emotionally disturbed. I made the decision years ago to not contribute or support circuses and events whereby animals are exploited and trained, dolphin shows and so on. No creature should be subjected to being a performer for the entertainment of mere mortals, who do we think we are!? Yes, I am emotionally attached to these creatures of the majestic ocean, I dont eat whale with wine or salt and pepper my dolphin fillet but the Faroenese do.

With facts such as endangered species lists, poor Faroenese tourism and bad reputations to take into account, the inedibility of the meat as the toxin levels are so high, the extreme number of whales getting killed, the methods used; rope and gaffs, the rotting of whale meat on the shore and so much excess waste of such a remarkable creature, the ever growing list of extinct animals, the torment these trusting creatures go through, the disregard for baby whales and their isolation and seperation from their mothers; left to fend for themselves. None of this makes sense in this day and age.

So make up your own mind, look at the images and remove emotion and consider the raw facts if you can.

After all of this, I do not agree with this massacre, i take all factors into consideration but the end result is not sustainable and it is NOT RIGHT.

We live in a world of rapid depletion, stricken lands and global catastrophies...why add to this evil?

Thursday, 2 February 2012

The Job Hunt

So... not much to say on this front except that finding a job in general can be quite a frustrating experience, finding a job in Denmark is worse.

I have read up on the business culture in Denmark and from what I have gathered, it seems its who you know and not what you know.

I have come to two conclusions with regards to not being able to speak Danish
  • Apply for work at the global companies such as Coca Cola, where Danish is not a prerequisite
  • Or learn Danish realllllly fast
It seems the first bullet point will have to work in my favour as the Danish language seems a hard one to master, dont get me wrong; I came to this country and the least I could do is intergrate myself into their way of living and that seems to be their language.

Many Danes can speak english, most speak it quite well, but with a 91% Danish population in Denmark; there is almost no need to speak English as their mother tongue will suffice.

From my observations (this really is my opinion) after having been here for four months, the Danes seem to be a very proud nation and that is why they prefer speaking the language they are most comfortable with; Danish.

So it really is a matter of Fit in or F*** off over here.

On a seperate point; networking seems to be Prime and that is what worries me about finding work; I practically know no-one and so my network is more of a dusty wrangled spiderweb blowing in the free wind of unemployment.

But I moved here and each place comes with its own set of problems and annoyances. Maybe I can become a professional unemployed person; I would probably get fired.

So for the past two weeks its been updating my cv, cover letters are coming out of my ears and I have almost memorised my cv off by heart- word for word after seeing it so many times.

So if you are out there and struggling like me; good luck and dont get disheartened, make your CV stelLar and if you can just get that interview; you'r one step closer. Thats my little mantra I sAY to myself each morning when I realise there is no need for me to get out of my pajamas.

Here is a list of some recruitment sites where you can upload your cv and get work notifications