Snow has draped Copenhagen in a pure white wedding dress.
The transformation that any place goes through once snow has settled in is a winter wonderland of purity and serenity.
As much as the winter is working on my last nerve, when I saw the snowflakes descending as light as fluttering feathers,..I smiled so big, and I just stared google-eyed like a little kid. I will never get bored of watching snow or awaiting its arrival...because it is so worth it when it comes.
I relate snow to Christmas and Christmas to being a kid. Luckily I am with someone who shares this sentiment and when it snows the inner 6 year olds in us come out to play.
It all started late one eve; I was watching Greys Anatomy; very enthralled when I felt a sudden cold draft... it had been snowing softly for an hour or two and this gave my boyfriend the oppurtunity to be deviant and grab some fresh snow off our balcony and plummet it across the lounge into my face. The shock sent me from horizontal to vertical in 2seconds flat. Who does that!!!
This was the start of war, and snow was our Ammunition.
hence the scoreboard
So from that night, I vowed the snow ball war had begun and someone was going to wish they had never started it in the first place.
The war was no longer isolated to the homestead, we took it to the streets
On our way home from swimming at the Svommehal; the snow was plummeting down, and I saw my oppurtunity drop before my very eyes, as my unsuspecting boyfriend rode ahead, I quickly stalled Wix (my bike) and gathered some white canons/snowballs. Carefuly I placed them in my basket and quickly cycled to catch up. He was waiting at the robot to cross and looked behind to see where I was, from my expression (such a good actress) he could see all was not right in the world of Gem. After my tragic accident where I whirled off Wix into the pavement with my face; he is just anticipating another accident of similar proportions.
I could see my concerned face mirror into his concerned face ( I had him!) his attention was solely on me, i wobbled over on my bike yelling that I had fallen .... my little snow white lie.

I had him just where I wanted him, and with that realisation I dipped my evil black glove into my basket and pummeled a big white one right between his blue eyes...I was off to a very wobblesome start in trying to getaway from the scene but managed to not fall over, i sped off laughing as evil witches often do.
You would assume that the hit to his ego(realising that two can play this game) would make me behave for the rest of the day, no thanks.
As we pulled into our apartment block, I once again lagged behind, gathered ammo and scrunched my hurt little face AGAIN! (same day) acting hurt as though I had fallen(it was the only way I could get close to him) and I once again catapulted a big white ball smack into his face and then ran up to our apartment very quickly and locked the doors; forgetting that he lived there too.
Let the Games Begin
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