As the day progressed...the clouds gathered and i was not in a very LOVE -ly minded space. But then that wipped around! And with extreme excitement i jumped up and down and widened my eyes as i was told that i was getting a Kindle.
I love reading, i was ashamed of it as a child, didn't want anyone to think i was a book worm let alone a nerd, but as the years went by and i matured, i love the fact that I enjoy reading so much. I am also able to do it quite quickly. I can scan a page with my eyes and within minutes the pages have turned and accumulated to the one side, especially if it is a good read.
So back to my Kindle baby... it was delivered a few days ago, ordered through Amazon. Of course with the high tax in Denmark, the original price was acceptable but then the tax and postage got slapped on and what you thought you were paying seems quite different to what you really will be forking out.
On a trip to London, a friend showed me her Kindle and I was immediatly taken by the novel idea of a portable screen that holds more than a thousand books which can be downloaded within less that 60 seconds...amazing. Nevermind the wonderful positive of having a device that has a battery life of a month before having to be recharged. It is light as a cellphone, thin as a magazine and slips into your handbag like a ring in a doughnut.

There was a part of me that felt sad.. i felt like I was letting go of the real world, the tangible world that has texture and smell. What i mean to say is that i no longer would hold a paperback or hardcover in my eager hungry paws, i would hold a tablet shaped device instead. It felt cold and alien like at first but when you calculate cost versus convenience, weight and intelligence. Well it seemed like an obvious selection.
I love the idea of a bookshelf with all my favourite titles neatly packed in order of size. I liked the idea that one day I would pass these treasures onto my children or borrow one to a friend should the need ever arise. Now I have a tablet that holds all my reads...crazy.
There is nothing better than sitting down with a cup of coffee, curled on the couch, the sunlight just whispering through the gap in the curtain (you opened it slightly to mostly lock the world out but let in enough light as a time keeping device) and opening a brand new book, or an old one. The smell, the yellow tinged paper, the text and font, the size of the letters, the cover...all of that between your fingers...beautiful.
So you can see why I am torn: a big part of me still holds onto the world of Old, the vintage charms and the chivalry...and then another part of me moves with the times, wants to kep current and up to date, make my life easier. A book versus the Kindle
Had it not been a gift, I doubt I would have gotten a Kindle, but the fact that it was a gift makes my decision so much easier,...a Kindle it shall be and I shall use it to its full capacity and cram my brain with delights of these downloaded novels, crimes reads and adventures that my mind shall travel and devour greedily.
Oh, yes, kindle...:) I had a similar dilemma, but the thing is that you can't buy in Denmark Polish books, so thanks to kindle I can have all of my reads with me, and that's so cool! And still, for the !Pod people you are going to look like a backwarded Amish with this simple, colourless thing, so no worries:)