I couldn't believe it when I heard her voice on the other side of the line; a million miles away telling me that someone had not died but instead ... that she was engaged to be married. The relief and excitement rolled over me simultaneously.
So a few weeks have gone by and I find myself doing searches on latest wedding trends and wedding dress designs, I have no interest in the subject for myself at the moment but after spending a good portion of my life with this girl, I can just imagine her wedding day and the perfection that it will be.
So this is for my friend, some suggestions on colour palettes and themes and just a few simple ideas that might come in handy to make her day even more unique and special.
My friend is classic, simple, modest with very good taste, oh...and she isn't a girly girl either so no overdoing the pink unless its vintage champagne colour; so for her I would pick a cream as a base or a biscuit palette to ground the two accompanying palettes. The next colour would be a soft grey and the set off colour a vintage blue. DOOR TONES :)
Here are some visual ways of picturing how well these colours blend and how they can be implemented throughout the decor.
Look at images and compile a file of what you like, give it to the wedding photographer 2 weeks before hand so she can understand what you like. For e.g, your wedding dress hanging from a tree with the sunlight pouring through. Or your wedding shoes in a cake holder.
As talented as your photography be, it never hurts to really emphasize what you prefer and exactly how quirky you want to go.
If soft tomes are being used, feathers on the table could create a very romantic setting paired with tea light candles as table decoration.
To make the palette more royal you could always opt for a worn gold versus a soft grey but that maybe a bit too fussy
I love the ideas of individual cupcakes versus a cake, or a base of cupcakes with a single layer cake on top so that there is something to cut at the reception.
These guys have just been made more special with the I DO stick in and the lace binding; just perfect and almost too good to eat.
The Gimmmick cupcake
Lastly, i think a beautiful touch to my friends bouquet would be a beautiful brooch pinned into a satin binding, these days you can pick up a brooch from a chinese store and it will have that sparkly effect that will make my friends bouquet different from any others. And its a nice add on when the girl in the crowd catches.
I love my friend, I know whatever she chooses will be amazing and that her day will be memorable and tastefully executed.
Hope the above helped my bestie.
If I can give you any advice, think of you and your partner and bring "you" into everything you do...things will just roll into place and the day will be very intimate and special as there will be reminders throughout the day of who you are and the times you have shared and all your special memories.