Monday, 31 October 2011

Bitter Sweet Weekend

On Saturday morning we find ourselves wheeling a bike home with no seat from an auction where nothing was understood (whole auction took place in Danish).

Saturday night, I wheeled home Wix; my bubblegum pink city style bike with a basket and seat!

Sunday we decided to do some sightseein and headed to Nyhaven which had been suggested by many, Nyhaven must be the most prominent site in Copenhagen in terms of teh picture that best shows Copenhagen; a cobble street lined with various coloured restaurants

A breakfast was in order after we had tasted a delicious pastry from one of the alley shops a cream cheese choc chip cupcake found its way down my throat 25dk later (R37). City centre is very pricey, my new motto for city centre is look but dont touch and definitely dont consume.

A simple breakfast in a beautiful cosy pub style restaurant on the Nyhaven stretch which consisted of a bottle of water, one capuccino and two plates of scrambled egg and two small strips of bacon, with a few lettuce eaves and fresh bread cost 230dk (roughly R350)

I must say the beauty, vibrancy and spirit is priceless and this is not even summer time.

Later in the afternoon I was adament to go for a ride on Wix, Mustang was left at home due to his lack of seat offering. A beatiful ride Charlottenlund way, led us through a caraven site with willowing autumn trees, a ocean promenade and tracks through the forest, the beauty is undeniable and awesome to experience on ones bike.

Apples and marshmallow snack pack for the ride
 View of the ocean
 Snack pack in my basket
 Gorgeous autumn tree
 Wix waiting for me as I take pics
 Autumn trees
 Stretch of the promenade

The Sweet day came to a Bitter end, as we headed home, 2min away from our front door, like the tomboy I can sometimes be, I decided after a afternoons ride I was a proffesional bike rider and nothing could stop me, so I decided to gain speed and ramp a curb...BIG mistake, I flew off Wix and landed on the pavement, when I realised what had happened I looked up to see 6 different concerned faces above me. For a moment I couldnt move my body, but I slowly got up and wobbled home on what felt like a broken leg. I must say the concern the Danes showed was overwhelming, one woman even got out her car and offered me tissues. It was a pretty bad fall and I appreciated the concern. As I type this post I am sitting on the left cheek of my bum as the right is non functinal today.

Overall the weekend was fantastic with a big Crash Boom at the end to finish it off.

So far so good

Wix and Mustang passion

An early start to our morning found us at the police auction in Islev (topauktioneer) to find some bikes that had been reposessed and found. There were roughly 70 bikes going, the place was packed but quickly cleared out once people had found there bike. A lot of their bikes were in bad condition, rusted and broken but if you knew what you were looking for, and had a good knowledge of bikes and knew what they went for on the market then there were some good deals going. We knew NOTHING

 I had seen a bike I liked; A Kildermoes bubblegum pink old school city style bike, solid with high handlebars, the basket was bent, wheels slightly rusted but generally okay. The bidding started and ended, and a young couple walked away with the bike I wanted and the mens bike James wanted, feeling a little bitter I went and sat in the corner while James eyed some more bikes.

Mustang Passion came home with us that day, James knew nothing about the brands and went on the name itself. We had the lock cut off and off we went to the station: I was a little concerned and James was wheeling off down the street, unfortunatly the option to sit was not available as he had bought a  bike with no seat.

That night I went ono a site called DBA, similar to a gumtree and looked through a few adverts but there was one that caught me eye; a bubblegum pink Kildermoes old school city bike! We called the owner who had just posted the bike and we were off in the dark of the night. There she was: Wix

So although I didnt strike it lucky at the auction, I did ride a bike home with a seat which is more than I can say for James.

Friday, 28 October 2011

Random pics from my first few days in Copenhagen

 5 min walk from our apartment leads you to the oceans edge
 My favourite road so far in Hellerup
 A park near our apartment with a big house on it (no clue who lives there)
 My happy place: H&M
Random dog i took a pic of, everyone seems to adore their dogs here, makes me miss mine :(

Thursday, 27 October 2011

We have arrived

feels as though the contact with the outside world was severed with a knife (thats how final and dramatic it was) i felt island bound with no real connection to the outside world, but now i have healed my wound and I am proud to say we have wi fi so connection is up and running.

well, where to start, we arrived in the pouring rain and I got my first taste of copenhagen weather; it didnt taste good. But from the next day the sun was shining and out to welcome us,when the sun is shining even if it is cold; you just feel better.

the apartment is sorted and all our little odds and ends have found their corner and place. When you come from a place with a garage you realise what a luxury it is to have excess space, we have had to become very skilled when it comes to finding and utilising space...not  a bad thing I suppose

I must say that the area we live in is just gorgeous, the high street takes you down cafes and pastry shops with magnetic capabilities, boutiques and high end pet stores. If you go north you will be greeted by the sea and greenery as well as trails into a forest. So all around is nature and beauty.
I have not yet been into the city centre but will do so this wekeend and post pics.

Overall my first impression of Copenhagen is a pleasent one and looking forward to making it a homely experience.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

The waiting Game

We have just received the news that our visas are on their way and within the next two weeks I will be freezing my ass off in Copenhagen.

The process has been a frustrating one and unless your visa has been delayed, you have sold your lifes belongings and anything you do own is in a cargo container waiting across the oceans, you have two suitcases to your name and the days seem slower than usual...if you know of these things, well then you know how I feel.

My friends look at me with puppy dog eyes every time I complain that my visa hasnt come, they dont quite understand that I am not on holiday. No car, bad weather, no work and no real purpose here... the extra 5 weeks I have been waiting have slowly shaved my ambition of moving to Copenhagen in the first place. No - I dont want to go to a place with a 12 degree climate when its still meant to be Summer over there but YES- i want to start my life and get on with it.

No One quite understands the predicament of waiting for a visa: because that is what it is -  - --waiting

* you cant go shopping because you cant buy anything because as it is; you bags can barely close and if your zip breaks, well then the only thing I will be shopping for and bringing home is a new travel bag

*summer is ripening in south africa and all i want is the sun on body and the latest fahion on my limbs, but i have been warned that if i bring one more item of summer clothing home theres gonna be trouble(p.s and dont tell; the great thing about sumer clothing is that you can scrunch it up real small an pop it in the corner of your suitcase)

* By this stage you have watched everything the cinema has to offer, even the painful stuff. and everytime you pay premium price at the movie counter you think to yourself that you might as well pay the extra cash and become a movie club member because that how long you have been here.

*your suitcase is never neat and you just dont care

*you have mixed and matched all items of clothing to form new looks, alas people are starting to wonder if you just have a favourite outfit or do you just not own any other cothes

*at this stage people are no longer suprised when they bump into you, and I get the feeling some are starting to think I am lying about moving out the country in the first place

So I will say this: I will be leaving and through it all, my extra time with family and friends has been priceless but when that visa comes, im gnna have a big smile on my face. Im gonna feel anxious and nervous but excited and Im going to feel that finally I have turned the page and get to see what the new chapter holds

Monday, 3 October 2011

Our new soon to be home

What shall I be?

Having done some research on work opportunities in Copenhagen: it seems the language barrier shouldn't be too harsh. I have logged onto an expat site whereby I can post an advert on the classifieds looking for work. I still don't know what to expect but my positivity and inquisitive eyes should put me in good stead. Every morning I stare at my suitcase wondering when I will be zipping it up and starting my new life