Monday 19 March 2012

Monday Leisure

The joys of being unemployed have their highlights like today, grabbing lunch, shopping (more window shopping than actual buying), casual stroll, coffee and more coffee and an afternoon of arts and crafts makes me take a lazy eyed look at Copenhagen and smile at the fact that I live here.

The morning started off with s strong cup of Italian blend coffee from starbucks...delicious and very awakening.
shower, dress and off to the station me and my girlfriend went to go experience the orgasmic offering of clothing stores at Fisketorvet Copenhagen Mall. I was very suprised at what I saw, its offerings were generous in terms of variety, the architecture and design were effortless yet tasteful. The eat out spots ...interesting and the light that filtered through made you feel as though the sun were on your back and shopping was taking place outside.

Clouds positioned high in the sky under a roof of glass

A melting black piano, dripping down to the other floors

great open spaces with minimalistic 60's style decor, this centre is truly part glass, part design , shops and so much more in one.

some fooling around, I SEE HEARTS..XXX

The burger Spot provided us with delicious filled Bagel and hot tea as we watched the people go about their day, whilst listening to the hustle and bustle under a glass skyline.


After going into practically every store and salivating over all the amazing fashion, it was time to go...

my favourite eye candy of the day, lace insert high tops....LOVE


The day was not over yet, we dragged out tired bodies back to my friends apartment, gulped down another strong cuppa and decided to get very creative and artsy.

My friend kindly bought us all the goods we needed, paintbrushes, pencils, canvases and oil paints and we got going on our masterpieces. 

I have been wanting to paint some birds on a wire for so long now and thats what i got started on 

What an amazing day...

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