Sunday 18 March 2012

St Patricks Day

St Patricks day in Copenhagen was celebrated as it would be in any other country...with mass amounts of alcohol. The day celebrates Irish culture in general. Green little goblins with big hats and clovers painted on their faces all hover around the pub in their spectacular outfits whilst downing a pint of good old Irish beer.

The Dubliner seemed like the appropriate spot to be, with the rugga on the screen and everyone in high spirits, all were out to have a good time and the sway back home in the late hours of the morning. One thing about Copenhagen is that people only seem to come out in the early hours of the morning, partying starts very late here.

A few drinks at the Dubliner, a slice of pizza and some beers at Floss was only the beginning of the night, Francis Pony and The Jane ended the night on a high note. Starting at 3pm and getting home at two this morning not before downing a Subway steak roll... made me realise how I still have the party inside of me!!

Just a general note in terms of going out in Copenhagen, everyone is so chilled, just wants to have a good time and respectful. Its a nice change, and I often feel on high alert but there doesn't seem a need to be that way. The Danes seem very passive in general and just want to have a good time, they have nothing to prove and no one to push around and so a night out really is pleasant affair.

So to all who had a stellar time on St Patricks day...cheers to you and for those who didn't, make up for it next year.