Friday 9 December 2011

Dear Copenhagen

Dear Copenhagen

I am writing this letter to you for a few reasons; part love letter, part wish list and a hint of venting.

The darkness has come (Winter) and I have chosen not to complain about it, I know that this all part of your beauty and your cycle and I will not be the moaning woman who just refuses to accept seasons.
I will embrace this chilling winter that you have bestowed on us...but in return I would like you to cut me some slack in the employment arena...

Im finding it particularly difficult to find a job here, mostly because I don't speak Danish, but come on! So with a little give and take I am hoping we can come to some kind of understanding.

Looking forward to experiencing a bit more of your festive offerings this December and really falling in love with you.

Kind Regards

P.S I probably will love you more in Summer...just saying


  1. Hej
    Welcome to Denmark:)
    It's funny - just two days before ur post I wrote a letter to Copenhagen too :) (
    I hope u find a job very soon. I know it's not easy, it took me few months to find one, and God knows how long I will be able to keep it.
    Good luck, see u around cyber space.

  2. Thanks Martin

    best of luck with keeping the job :)
